Questions Archive(Thematic Category:سرنوشت حدیث)
Which of the two versions of Hadith Thaqalayn are more authentic?
14308 2015/06/18 سرنوشت حدیثThe text of the report transmitted by Ahl-e Sunnah in Sahih Muslim Sahih Timidhi and Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal is as such: The Book of Allah and my progeny itrah This is the famous version of the
can you please tell me about the life of (Imam) Bukhari?
12224 2008/02/13 Contextual studyAbu Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn Ismael Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughaireh, Ibn Bardzih, Jafi Al-Bukhari is one of the most celebrated Sunni Narrators [ of Hadiths ] .He was born in 194 Hijri ( Lunar Calendar ) in o