Questions Archive(Thematic Category:پیامبر شناسی)
Is there any solidarity between the Prophets’ school of thought and did they have common goals?
6155 2021/03/31 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
What are the nine miracles of Prophet Moses (as) that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
3065 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Do you think that the story mentioned in the holy Quran about the life of Prophet Moses (as) is in harmony with what has been mentioned in the Bible?
2869 2021/03/30 History
How is it possible to differentiate between someone who falsely claims to be a prophet and one who is a true prophet?
6154 2017/05/22 وحی1. In Arabic the term wahy literally means giving a message quickly and secretly. In Islamic terminology wahy is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication w
The Quran is a miracle under the following three categories: miracle in terms of the words of the Quran, miracle in terms of the contents and miracle in terms of its bringer. How far does each of these aspects signify the divinity of the Quran?
12698 2017/05/20 Quranic StudiesGenerally speaking some of the categories of the miracles show that the Quran could not have been brought forth by anyone other than Allah. For instance the Quran s eloquence is unique and miraculous
In view of the fact that the earth must never be devoid of a divine authority, who was the divine authority in the time gap between the ascension of Prophet Jesus (AS) and prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam?
6485 2017/01/24 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیThe period of cessation is the period of time between the end of one prophet s time and the beginning of the next; it is a time of freedom from divine authority. The existence of such a period is not
Was anyone appointed as prophet by Allah from European and Indian peoples (not Semites)?
12734 2015/04/18 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیMan is a duty-bound creature and duty would necessitate prophets to be appointed and sent to deliver obligations, messages and injunctions to him, otherwise duty would be unwise or meaningless. The Ho