Questions Archive(Thematic Category:14 معصوم)
According to jurisprudential fatwas, if a woman converts to Islam but her husband is still a non-Muslim, their marriage would be void. Now the question is why the Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) did not forbid his daughter Zaynab to live with her non-Muslim husband after converting to Islam?!
9388 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Is conniving at faux pas that has committed by a gentleman or an important character considered as one the Islamic teachings? Doesn’t this encourage them to continue their wrongdoing?!
6562 2021/03/31 Hadith
Can you please tell us how and on what date did fasting become obligatory upon Muslims in the beginning of Islam?
4122 2021/03/31 History
If a child asks: I wish that instead of Imam of the time (ajtf), Santa Claus would appear to illuminate everywhere and bring gifts for everyone, but Imam of the time would kill us, what would we say in response to him?
3745 2021/03/31 خصوصیات و مناقب
Given that I heard that the beginning of occultation of Imam of the time (ajtf) was from Medina, my question is whether there is a valid report on the Basement of Occultation in Samarra?
3170 2021/03/31 امام مهدی عج
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf)?
3767 2021/03/31 امام مهدی عج
With whom did the holy Prophet (saw) send the important letters of to the kingdoms of that time?
3311 2021/03/31 History
According to which verse of the Quran did the holy Prophet (saw) write the letter to the kingdoms around Arabia? In his letters, did the holy Prophet (saw) threaten the rulers of those countries with war in case they don’t accept Islam?
2964 2021/03/31 پیامبری برای جهانیان
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as).
3260 2021/03/31 Way of life of
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Ali al-Hadi (as).
3054 2021/03/31 امام هادی ع
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as).
3230 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Ali al-Ridha (as).
3395 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as).
4155 2021/03/30 امام صادق ع
Please give us a short biography of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as).
3828 2021/03/30 The infallibles
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Ali al-Sajjad (as).
3115 2021/03/30 امام سجاد ع
It is said that Imam Husain (as) did not want to revolt, because, according to the narrations, he rose in order to save his own life, but the circumstances turned in a way that led to his martyrdom! What is your view about this?
3339 2021/03/30 قیام امام حسین ع
Did Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (as) participate in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahravan, and did they go directly to the frontlines of the battle?
3590 2021/03/30 History
Who was Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (as)?
What characteristics and virtues did He have?
Please give us a short biography of Him?
3590 2021/03/30 History
When Imam Ali (as) considered the relinquishing of this world in the way Prophet Jesus did as the feature of a pious, don’t you think this is promoting the monastic life that Islam has not recommended?
2931 2021/03/30 Contextual study
Please provide us with a short biography of Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa)?
2982 2021/03/30 حضرت فاطمه زهرا س
Is it possible to give a short biography of Imam Ali (as)?
3262 2021/03/30 امام علی ع
What are the most important citizenship rights in Islamic society according to Imam Ali (as)?
4389 2019/10/06 روایات و دعاهای برجای مانده
Please provide us with a short biography of the holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
4827 2019/10/06 پیامبر اکرم ص
Why didn’t Imam Ali (AS) punish the murderers of Uthman?
8045 2018/11/12 امام علی ع و خلفا1. Uthman was not killed by only one individual so that he could be brought to book; rather an extensive uprising was launched an angry mob against him. The uprising led ultimately to his death. Imam
Was the Prophet of Islam (S) a prophet at birth?
7119 2018/10/22 وحی، نبوت و عصمتThe prophethood of the Prophet of Islam S can be considered as having two aspects: 1. The first aspect of prophethood is tantamount to prophetic mission and the beginning of a procedure which involve
Can you provide a short biography of Imam Hussein (AS)?
6828 2018/10/16 امام حسین عHistorians unanimously believe that Shia s third Imam was born in the holy city of Medina but there are little differences as to the date of his birth. Sheikh Tusi 460 A.H. says that the Imam AS was b
Was the wife of Hazrat Abbas, Lady Lubaba, present in Karbala?
15788 2017/08/22 History1. Lubaba was the daughter of Ubaidullah bin Abbas [ 1 ] the Prophet s cousin and the wife of Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas AS . Following the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas she married Z
What happened to Aisha, the wife of the Prophet of Islam (S) after the Battle of Jamal? Was she living under house arrest for a period of time?
17832 2017/05/22 HistoryFollowing the battle of Jamal Imam Ali AS ordered his comrades to take Aisha to Abdullah bin Khalaf Khazā ei s house who along with his sons had been killed in the same battle while fighting for Aisha
Sunnis believe the Prophet (S) does not have any inheritors or heirs. The question is: Why did, according to their authentic books, all the Prophet’s wives send Uthman to Abu Bakr to demand their inheritance. None among them opposed this except Aisha?!
9042 2017/05/22 HistoryWe believe the prophets leave inheritance and the heirs to them inherit what is left behind but it has been reported in the Sunni textual sources such as Sahih Bukhari that following the demise of t
What is the veracity of the supplication “Allahumma kun li-waliyyik al-Hujjatibnil Hasan… and how do we know that it is authentic?
11910 2017/05/22 Contextual studyThis holy supplication has been reported with some variation in different Shia sources including the book of Al-Kafi. It is good to recite this dua for the wellbeing of Imam of Time may Allah hasten h
Which one of the holy Imams (AS) recited Dua Faraj?
9451 2017/05/20 Contextual studyThe term faraj means remedy or improvement or relief from grief and sorrow. [ 1 ] The hadith books which include this term and also duas and deeds a amāl have referred to the same meaning. We suffice
Did Imam Ali (AS) fight all innovations when he was in power?
8179 2017/01/24 امام علی ع و خلفاIt was only 25 years after the demise of the Prophet of Islam S that the Muslim caliphate got back on its original track. After coming to power and becoming apparently a caliph Imam Ali AS vowed to do
Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
13799 2017/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him. The scholars who specialize in hadith and biographical accounts general
“When was “hasten his reappearance” added to ‘salawat’ (greetings) and what was the reason behind it?
5438 2017/01/24 گوناگونAn inquiry into the traditions reveals that the phrase hasten his reappearance or may Allah hasten their reappearance was added to salawat in the time of the Holy Prophet S and pure Imams AS . Here ar
Who was Hasan al-Muthanna? Was he present in the event of Karbala?
14464 2015/06/09 امام حسن مجتبی عHasan bin Hasan was Imam Hasan Mujtaba s second son. His mother was Khawla who was the daughter of Manzur Fazariyah. [ 1 ] Hasan bin Hasan better known as Hasan al-Muthanna was a nobleman a virtuous a