Questions Archive(Thematic Category:توحیدشناسی)
What is meant by the ‘Unity of Existence?’
8938 2019/06/11 Islamic PhilosophyWhat the philosophers and the mystics mean by the unity of existence is not that the whole existing world put together is God; because the whole collection does not enjoy a real existence and unity w
How would it be possible to explain unity of being in simple words?
8196 2013/02/02 وحدت وجودWahdatul Wuj d means to believe that all the entities ( things present around us ) are an indication of Allah s presence and to believe that everything besides Allah is subjective or just shadows and
When Allah created material things from absolute nothingness, does it mean that His Power was converted into material power and material form?
8892 2013/01/19 تجلی ذاتیIf you mean conversion of divine power into material power, there is no doubt that such a notion is false and it is never true with God. If you mean by the word conversion reflection of God s power, i
Why do jurisprudents and theologians oppose the notion of wahdat al-wujud?
14369 2012/12/23 Theoretical1. The notion of wahdat al-wujud [ Unity of Being ] is a monistic understanding of tawheed, the doctrine of oneness of God. It is considered one of the most fundamental concepts in mysticism and in my