Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
Do traditions say that there is a group of people who enter the Heaven without reckoning? And the fire of Hell is forbidden to them?! If this is the case, what actions will cause a person to enter the Heaven without reckoning and the Hell will be forbidden to him?!
7046 2021/03/31 بهشت و جهنم
Will all human beings, even believers and righteous people, have regret on the Day of Resurrection?
6573 2021/03/31 قیامت
Is there any solidarity between the Prophets’ school of thought and did they have common goals?
6155 2021/03/31 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
From the viewpoint of Shia sects, how many Imams are there?
3223 2021/03/31 فرقه های منشعب از شیعه
Will the human being be unite and associate, on the Day of Judgment, with the people whom he/she has a great affection toward them in this world?
3959 2021/03/31 Hadith
Is living in heaven only for taking pleasure or there would be excitement, innovation, invention, variation, creativeness and etc. like in this world?
3072 2021/03/30 اوصاف بهشت و جهنم
Can we ascribe the oppression of tyrants to Allah, the Almighty?
3355 2021/03/30 Traditional
What are the nine miracles of Prophet Moses (as) that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
3065 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Do you think that the story mentioned in the holy Quran about the life of Prophet Moses (as) is in harmony with what has been mentioned in the Bible?
2869 2021/03/30 History
Christianity says: We are not servants, because a servant is a captive, while we are not captives! What does Islam say about this?
2519 2021/03/30 ارتباط انسان با جهان
Like the holy Quran, has the text of the Bible that was sent down from Allah or the sayings of the Prophet Jesus (as) been collected by his companions?
2952 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Did the past religions like Christianity and Judaism have prayers like Muslims?
4915 2019/10/06 کلیات
If Islam is the complete religion why most of people don’t accept it?
4743 2019/10/06 --- مشابه ---
If Islam is the religion of kindness and love what do the aggressive verses of the holy Quran stand for?!
5810 2019/10/06 دین اسلام
Prove the existence of God and then indicate how qualities such as being pure, sacrosanct (inviolable), and the greater, etc can be proven in regards to Him?
5855 2019/06/12 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاAllah the Exalted is the absolute and perfect existence with no defects or deficiencies. He is a unique existence with the ability to do anything and is aware of all objects everything in all situatio
Who has more power and influence, God or Satan?
6087 2019/06/12 ابلیس و شیطانUndoubtedly the power of God who is the Creator of of all things is more than Satan in all matters. However when Prophet Adam peace be upon him obeyed Satan s advice and refused to obey God s command
For what purpose do the dwellers of paradise of consent need intercession from angels?
5871 2019/06/12 ExegesisGod is pleased by those who have faith and right deeds. But since faith and right deeds have severity and weakness and have different levels therefore God s pleasure towards them also differs. Paradis
Is Satan eternal and immortal like God since God gave respite to Satan until Day of Judgment?
8235 2019/06/12 ExegesisEternity means a state of immortal existence in future. Since Satan is God s creature and each creature is under the control of its creator therefore Satan cannot make himself involved in God s affair
What does it mean to think well and avoid suspicion about God? How can we get rid of suspicion towards God?
7221 2018/11/12 گناه و رذائل اخلاقیThere are verses in the Quran which condemns suspicion and bad expectations of God. [ 1 ] As well there are also narrations which somehow deal with the subject of good and bad expectation of God the E
In the second Surah of the Quran, it is stated that:" Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before". What reality does this verse address?
8917 2018/10/22 ExegesisAbout the day of resurrection and bounties which will be granted to practicing Muslims the Quran says: But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness that their portion is Gardens b
Why didn’t the prophets and imams leave any works behind as inventors and scientists did so that they could be prouder? Do Shiites have scholarly or scientific achievements to be proud of ?
6013 2017/05/22 نقش شیعه در گسترش اسلامReligion is not bound to create material means for man s life. This is a duty of human beings themselves to use their mind and faculty of reason to create such things. Basically it is wrong to expect
How is it possible to differentiate between someone who falsely claims to be a prophet and one who is a true prophet?
6154 2017/05/22 وحی1. In Arabic the term wahy literally means giving a message quickly and secretly. In Islamic terminology wahy is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication w
The Quran is a miracle under the following three categories: miracle in terms of the words of the Quran, miracle in terms of the contents and miracle in terms of its bringer. How far does each of these aspects signify the divinity of the Quran?
12697 2017/05/20 Quranic StudiesGenerally speaking some of the categories of the miracles show that the Quran could not have been brought forth by anyone other than Allah. For instance the Quran s eloquence is unique and miraculous
In view of the fact that the earth must never be devoid of a divine authority, who was the divine authority in the time gap between the ascension of Prophet Jesus (AS) and prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam?
6485 2017/01/24 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیThe period of cessation is the period of time between the end of one prophet s time and the beginning of the next; it is a time of freedom from divine authority. The existence of such a period is not
What is meant by justice as one of the fundamentals of faith?
4846 2017/01/21 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگارJustice has been discussed and debated in detail covering all its meanings. However what has been very much a matter of controversy and heated debate is the difference between Imamiyah and Mu atazilah
I want to make sure that all my deeds are performed according to Islamic laws. The obsession has affected my ordinary life. I need you advice.
7198 2015/09/14 TheologyGod has allowed man to make decisions on his own free will for the most part of his life and it makes no sense to be so particular and obsessive. Although performing the obligatory duties and staying
What is your opinion regarding Darwin\'s evolution theory?
8771 2015/09/14 خلقت انسانThere are two theories among biologists regarding the creation of living beings including plants and animals. A Transformism: The doctrine that living organisms have evolved from previously existing
Does verse 159 of Surah al-An\'am make reference to disunity and discord in the religion of Islam or to all divine religions?
10492 2015/06/18 ExegesisThe Holy Quran says in verses 159 of Chapter al-An am: ان الذین فرقوا دینهم و کانوا شیعا لست منهم فی شی انما امرهم الى الله ثم ینبئهم بما کانوا یفعلون Surely they who divided their religion i
Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?
6625 2015/06/09 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگارSurely Allah does not do injustice to anyone. As for those who are not familiar with divine and celestial teachings given our emphasis on the Shiite school the way to attaining prosperity is not shut
What is the meaning of ownership and kingdom of Allah, the Lord of the Universe? Why is said that God is the king?
12709 2015/06/08 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاOne of the attributes of Allah is Mālik which literally means being powerful and having something in one s exclusive possession . This word has sometimes been translated into king in other languages i
If the imams are essentially infallible, can we follow them as role models?
6817 2015/05/03 عصمتThis question emanates from incorrect notion about the concept of infallibility that considers it something mandatory and gifted by God without a cause or reason. Obviously if we are to consider infal
Is questioning pervasive and all-encompassing? What does questioning of prophets mean?
5695 2015/05/03 ExegesisAn important issue discussed in religious texts in connection with the Day of Resurrection is the subject of questioning on this very day. What is actually inferred from Quranic verses and prophetic t
Was anyone appointed as prophet by Allah from European and Indian peoples (not Semites)?
12734 2015/04/18 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیMan is a duty-bound creature and duty would necessitate prophets to be appointed and sent to deliver obligations, messages and injunctions to him, otherwise duty would be unwise or meaningless. The Ho
How is it possible to tell the difference between taqiyah on the one hand and telling the truth, hypocrisy and enjoining good and forbidding evil on the other?
7835 2015/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqiyah ( dissimulation or quietism ) is a strategy for emergency situations and it is meant to protect human forces and not to endanger momeneen [ believers ] in petty and trivial matters. The princi
What is reconciliatory Taqiyah and where is it practiced?
5863 2015/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceReconciliation is the act of making friendly relations; it is the action of making one view or belief compatible with another in order to appease someone and make him surrender to something. This is w