Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اوصاف بهشت و جهنم)
Will all human beings, even believers and righteous people, have regret on the Day of Resurrection?
6574 2021/03/31 قیامت
Is living in heaven only for taking pleasure or there would be excitement, innovation, invention, variation, creativeness and etc. like in this world?
3072 2021/03/30 اوصاف بهشت و جهنم
In the second Surah of the Quran, it is stated that:" Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before". What reality does this verse address?
8917 2018/10/22 ExegesisAbout the day of resurrection and bounties which will be granted to practicing Muslims the Quran says: But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness that their portion is Gardens b
Does Paradise have several gates and do those gates have specific names?
10692 2015/01/05 اوصاف بهشت و جهنمParadise has eight different gates. As for their names and what group of people use which gate to enter, there are different reports and traditions. Their names such as Baab al-Rahmah ( Gate of Mercy