Questions Archive(Thematic Category:گناه و رذائل اخلاقی )
What does fisq (depravity) mean? And who is called a fasiq?
7795 2021/03/31 Exegesis
How is treason described from the Islamic point of view and what are its effects and consequences?
6768 2021/03/31 Hadith
Is the listener of backbiting an accomplice in the sin of the backbiter?
6260 2021/03/31 غیبت، توهین و تجسس
What are the effects of slandering and is there any cure for this moral vice? Do we have halal slander?
6346 2021/03/31 گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
Do the teachings of Islam recommended us not to waste water, even in regards to some obligations such as wudhu and ghusl?
3092 2021/03/31 Hadith
Wasn’t the great affection of the holy Prophet (saw) toward Imam Ali (as) or Prophet Jacob (as) toward Joseph (as) become a cause of jealousy for the others?
3613 2021/03/31 گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
What are the moral dangers for a youth during their leisure times?
3079 2021/03/30 گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
What kind of factors lead the human into decadence and causes immorality?
2836 2021/03/30 گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
Why does God not heal the disease of the hypocrites but also adds to it or worsens it?
5014 2019/06/12 ExegesisAllah the Exalted has created the human beings with freewill and volition which means that human evolution perfection is gained through his free choice and will. Therefore if people like the hypocrite
What does it mean to think well and avoid suspicion about God? How can we get rid of suspicion towards God?
7221 2018/11/12 گناه و رذائل اخلاقیThere are verses in the Quran which condemns suspicion and bad expectations of God. [ 1 ] As well there are also narrations which somehow deal with the subject of good and bad expectation of God the E
Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?
12505 2014/01/22 عجب و خود پسندیIn view of the fact that ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies good and bad moral traits, voluntary conducts and volitional behaviors, it is very much logical and scientific to discuss and put
What is the Islamic point of view about exaggeration and overstatement?
8399 2013/12/05 دروغLying is considered to be one of the greater sins as it is among the indecent acts. [ 1 ] In the sayings of the Ahlul-Bayt ( AS ) , lying has been termed as the key to sins and evils. [ 2 ] Neverthele