Questions Archive(Thematic Category:علوم قرآنی)
What are the spiritual features of the holy Quran according to the holy Quran itself and traditions?
3284 2021/03/30 Quranic Studies
How it is possible that distortion did not occur in the holy Qur’an, in spite of that the meanings of stance is changed, while changing phonetics in Arabic language?
7964 2019/06/12 Quranic StudiesVarious meanings of distortion and alternation have been expressed. The Islamic scholars agree with view of less or more non-distortion and non-alternation in the holy Quran. In other words neither a
The Quran is a miracle under the following three categories: miracle in terms of the words of the Quran, miracle in terms of the contents and miracle in terms of its bringer. How far does each of these aspects signify the divinity of the Quran?
12697 2017/05/20 Quranic StudiesGenerally speaking some of the categories of the miracles show that the Quran could not have been brought forth by anyone other than Allah. For instance the Quran s eloquence is unique and miraculous
What is meant by inner rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran?
9393 2014/04/20 Quranic StudiesSince the Holy Quran is Allah s words and the Prophet of Islam s ( P.B.U.H ) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendati
By which reason we must recite "اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم" before "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم"?
14157 2014/04/20 Quranic StudiesSince بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم is the part ( verse ) of the Holy Quran, saying اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم before it, is one of the rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran that is mentioned in the Ho
Are Ali bin Ibrahim Qummi's tafsir and his masters (mashayikh) reliable?
13148 2014/01/20 Quranic StudiesAli bin Ibrahim bin Hashim Qummi is one of the great Shiite scholars. As per Najashi s and Sheikh Tusi s reports, he has a book titled Tafsir Qummi . The book is available to all for the time being an
If a Quran is boxed in a decorative manner for display purposes, is it necessary to recite it?
6903 2013/10/03 Quranic StudiesThe Quran is a book of guidance and life; it has been sent down to humanity to turn to it, read it and adhere to it. Never should it be used for decorative purposes. Given the details provided in your
Was the verse 100 of chapter 9 (i.e. And as for the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars) revealed about Imam Ali? If so, why are the words and structure of the verse in plural?
8866 2012/09/22 Quranic StudiesThe question whether or not verse 100 of chapter 9 ( al-Tawbah ) has been revealed about Imam Ali ( as ) does not have any effect on his being the first Muslim because there is an all out consensus th
Why were the Quranic verses not collected and compiled on the basis of the chronological order of revelation?
25971 2012/05/29 Quranic StudiesThere is no recommendation from the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, about the arrangement of the text of the Quran on the basis of the chronological order of revelation. The Holy Quran
How can supernatural acts be explained and proven?
12092 2012/04/21 Quranic StudiesMiracles in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by sur
How was the Holy Quran compiled?
17252 2012/04/21 Quranic StudiesAccording to the history of the compilation of the Quran, the Prophet ( s ) himself chose the verses where to be placed. It was not the companions who arranged the verses or the number of the chapters
The Quran is the last Book revealed by Allah Almighty. What are the reasons to prove that the Quran is a miracle?
17697 2012/04/11 Quranic StudiesDifferent explanations have been given about the Quran being a miracle which can be sorted out under the following three categories: miracle in terms of the words of the Quran, miracle in terms of the
Reciting which Surah of the Quran has more thawab (reward)?
21463 2012/01/17 Quranic StudiesThe Quran is a book of practice. From Islam’s perspective, the Quran should be viewed as a guideline to life and a complete set of lessons for man to carry out and reach perfection. Those who are sole
What should a person do or what dua should he read in order for him to see a lost relative in his dream?
21131 2011/10/29 Quranic StudiesIn Al-Mesbah of Kaf ami, there is an instruction about seeing dead relatives in your dream. The instruction is as under: It has been mentioned in some books by Imamiyah scholars that if a person wishe
What is your opinion about the numerical miracle of the Qur'an?
7893 2011/09/29 Quranic StudiesThe Quran features many miraculous aspects that are not restricted to eloquence and expressiveness. In fact, one of the miracles which have been claimed for the Quran is numerical miracle which needs
Was the present Quran compiled by the Holy Prophet (s)?
12287 2011/09/27 Quranic StudiesThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
When was the present Quran, which we possess today, collected?
11001 2011/09/25 Quranic StudiesThere are three different categories of reports about the compilation of the Quran: A ) The Quran that we have possession of today with all its structure and compilation, the numbering of its verses,
Were the heavens and the earth created in six days or eight days?
12059 2011/05/14 Quranic StudiesGod, the Glorified, has used the word qaddara ( measure ) for sustenance and the term khalaqa ( created ) for the heavens and the earth. That is, within these four days, sustenance needed for life on
In which year was the revelation of the Quran completed?
17459 2011/04/20 Quranic StudiesThere are different reports about the last chapter and the last verse sent down upon the Prophet ( pbuh ) . According to some reports, the last chapter which was revealed to the Prophet ( pubh ) was C
What are the methods to prove that the Quran was sent down to the Prophet (pbuh) through revelation?
11108 2011/03/05 Quranic StudiesThere are a few methods that can be imagined in regards to the descent of the Quran through revelation. They are enumerated as under: First method: In this method the sayings of the Infallibles are us
Which verse in the Holy Quran is a confirmation of tawassul (seeking means) and how is justified?
13043 2010/11/09 Quranic StudiesThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is Arabic Allah's chosen language?
24340 2010/09/06 Quranic StudiesSome of the Ahadith confirm Arabic being the Godly chosen language and regardless of the authenticity of these Ahadith we can consider its special features and ability to convey meanings and concepts
When the Quran is speaking of the times of ‘salat’, what is meant by ‘salat’, is it supplication and asking for forgiveness, or prayer?
8827 2010/08/01 Quranic StudiesThe term ‘salat’ in Quranic verses that are mentioning the times for prayer, refers to prayer. Quranic verses that state the times for prayer can be categorized into different categories in which we w
Can reading the Quran’s translation be beneficial?
7887 2010/08/01 Quranic StudiesFrom a fiqhi perspective, reading the Quran’s translation doesn’t count as the recitation of the Quran itself and it is for this reason that the ulema have stated: “Touching the writing of the Quran w
Will Hell be on the earth and Heaven in the sky?
14668 2010/05/27 Quranic StudiesThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
When it is said that the Quran is from Allah (swt), what is meant? Does it mean that the meaning is from Allah, or that even the wording is from Him?
8386 2010/05/20 Quranic StudiesWhen it is said that the Quran is from Allah ( swt ) , it can have different meanings, each meaning being more profound and deeper than the other, these meanings are:First: The revelation of the meani
Exactly how much time has passed from the immediate and gradual revelation of the Holy Quran?
14279 2010/05/20 Quranic StudiesThe immediate revelation of the Holy Quran upon the blessed heart of the Holy Prophet ( s ) happened on the Night of Qadr ( one of the nights of the Holy Month of Ramadhan ) . By referring to some of
1-How is it possible for fruit and food to come to Lady Maryam from heaven? 2- Is it possible for residents of heaven to return to this world?
16255 2010/02/09 ExegesisConsidering the clues and evidence in Quranic verses and hadiths, Lady Marayam’s food would come straight from Allah ( swt ) and heaven without the mediation of any material thing or person from this
What is Imam Ali’s perspective in respect to the Quran?
8941 2010/01/21 ExegesisIn the eyes of Imam Ali ( as ) , the Quran holds a tremendous position. Some of the qualities he has attributed to this divine book have been collected in Nahjul Balaghah. A brief list of the qualitie
Why is the Quran divided into verses? Are there chapters of the Quran that have been revealed in whole and at one time to the Prophet (pbuh)?
16077 2010/01/21 ExegesisThe Quran has been revealed in two ways. The first was in the form of the revelation of entire chapters all at once ( daf’i/دفعی ) , and the other was gradual revelations of verses. Several reasons ha
Which surah is Surah Bani Israel?
16771 2009/11/25 Quranic StudiesThe seventeenth surah of the Quran, is Surah Bani Israel which contains 111 verses. This surah is also known as surah ‘Isra’ and ‘Subhan’. The reason for naming this surah ‘Bani Israel’ is because in
What do the separate letters (Huruf Muqatta’ah) in the Quran mean?
24869 2009/10/22 Quranic StudiesThe ‘Huruf Muqatta’ah’ are the separate letters located in the beginning of some surahs of the Quran that have no independent meaning. There are different viewpoints regarding these letters; the best
Is the term "Bridge of Sirat" mentioned in the Quran?
31363 2009/10/22 Quranic StudiesAlthough the term the Bridge of Sirat hasn’t been used in the Quran, it has been mentioned in hadiths and traditions. For example Imam Sadiq ( as ) has mentioned this term while explaining the word mi
Were ancient cavemen also descendants of Prophet Adam (pbuh)?
32364 2009/06/22 ExegesisAdopting caves as homes by the descendants of Prophet Adam ( pbuh ) is something the Quran confirms. Yet, since there is substantial evidence that there have also been people before him and we are sur
Are there any Sunni sources that have spoken of the alteration of the Quran?
11336 2009/04/20 Quranic StudiesMany hadiths can be found in Sunni references [ some of those references being the Sihah Sittah, which are the most authentic books of the Sunni school of thought ] that say some verses of the Quran h