Questions Archive(Thematic Category:مبدأ شناسی)
What is the \'proof of the veracious\' (burhan al-siddiqin)? Is it the most correct, apposite and strongest proof for the existence of God?
11571 2013/03/05 Islamic PhilosophyIn the history of Islamic philosophy different explanations have been given for this proof [ burhan ] the first of which has been presented by Bu Ali Sina ( Avicenna ) in his Isharaat. Meanwhile, one
What is the correct explanation of ‘burhan al-siddiqin’ (proof of the veracious)?
10108 2013/03/05 Islamic PhilosophyThe common point among various explanations and accounts presented by different scholars regarding the proof the veracious is that all those who have presented their arguments have, somehow, endeavore
Can something emerge from nothing?
7788 2012/12/15 علیت و معلولیتBased on philosophical and mystical principles, creating something out of nothing means that the universe and the entire divine attributes are, in the level of divine essence, vanished in God s essenc