Questions Archive(Thematic Category:تاريخ بزرگان)
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as).
3230 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Ali al-Ridha (as).
3395 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
Please provide us with a short biography of Prophet Jesus (as).
2802 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
I want you to give a short biography of Lady Khadijah (sa).
4331 2019/10/06 تاريخ بزرگان
Is it possible to mention names of all the prophets (as)?
4953 2019/09/22 تاريخ بزرگان
Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
13799 2017/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him. The scholars who specialize in hadith and biographical accounts general
Who was Salah al-Din Ayyubi? How did he become the champion of the wars against crusaders? What was his origin? Why and how did he destroy the Fatimid government?
14747 2015/08/04 تاريخ بزرگانSalah al-Din Yusuf bin Ayyub who later became known as Salah al-Din Ayyubi better known in the Western world as Saladin is one of the most famous Muslim rulers and commanders in the Islamic middle cen
What were the main causes of the crusades?
35670 2015/08/04 HistoryThe Crusades were a series of military attacks launched by Western Europe on Muslims and the Islamic world from 1095 to 1291. These wars which were sanctioned by Christian leadership and the Catholic
Please let me get a short sketch of the life, children and grandchildren of Imam Musa Kadhim (AS).
10858 2015/04/18 تاريخ بزرگانIf we are to embark on describing and narrating the lives of Imam Musa Kadhim and his children, we would need to write many books. This article gives a cursory look into the Imam s life and if you wou
Why did Imam Ali depose Qays bin Sa'ad as the governor of Egypt?
9118 2014/06/23 تاريخ بزرگانQays bin Sa ad bin Ibadah, head of Khazraj clan, was one of the renowned companions. He was a clever man, a skilled manager and one of the close friends of Imam Ali ( A.S ) fighting alongside him in m
What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
13387 2014/05/14 Contextual studyThe book Kawkab Durri or Manaqi Murtazawi was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intell
Is it possible to throw some light on the life and messengership of Prophet Hud (a.s.)?
8116 2013/05/15 TraditionalProphet Hud is one of the divine prophets whose name has been mentioned seven times in Surah al-Araf and Surah al-Shu ara. He is among the descendants ( great grandsons ) of Prophet Noah ( a.s. ) with
Is it true that Imam Shafi\'i, the Sunni Imam of the Shafi\'i sect, used to like Ahlul-Bayt (as) and in fact recited poems saying that he himself was a “Rafedhi”?
24718 2012/10/20 تاريخ بزرگانAbu ʿAbdullah Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi i is the leader of the Shafi i school of fiqh ( jurisprudence ) . He was born in Gaza, Palestine and died in Egypt. He was active in juridical matters and his
Is the story of the wedding of Hadrat Qasim in Karbala true or false?
29766 2012/10/01 تاريخ بزرگانOne of the concocted stories regarding the epic of Ashura is the story of the marriage of Qasim bin Al-Hasan ( as ) , a story which has no basis and which has not been related by any authentic and rel
Have any Shia books said that Fatima (sa) was angry at Ali (as)?
13120 2012/09/10 تاريخ بزرگان1. The first hadith ( tradition ) in Elal al-Sharaye is regarding a person who lied to Lady Fatima Zahra about Ali seeking the hand of Abul Jahl s daughter for marriage. In reality, there was no such
Is Abu Hamzah Thumali (Somali) from the country of Somalia?
7271 2012/08/21 تاريخ بزرگانThabit bin Dinar better known as Abu Hamzah Thumali is one of the great Shia narrators and a contemporary of several infallible Imams ( A.S. ) . His title Thumali is pronounced somehow like Somali but
Did Prophet Lot offer his daughters to homosexual men? Did he commit incest with his daughters, as the Bible says?
34629 2012/05/21 TraditionalThe two accounts of the story of Prophet Lot ( pbuh ) in the Holy Quran and Bible contain many commonalities. It can even be said that they share the same fundamentals; the only difference lying in th
Were Imām Sajjād and Imām Bāqir present in Karbalā?
9025 2012/04/16 تاريخ بزرگانIn the event of Āshūrā which took place during the month of Muḥarram in 61 AH, three noble Imāms were present. Imām Ḥusayn ( as ) who headed this revolution and was martyred in Karbalā. Imām Sajjād (
What foods did the prophet like?
14085 2012/03/10 تاريخ بزرگانThe prophet would usually eat from anything that was halal, without restricting himself. Meat was his favorite food. Out of the different cuts of meat, he liked the foreshank the most. Out of condimen
When and by whom did idol worshipping start in Mecca?
40854 2012/02/15 تاريخ بزرگانAfter the tribe of Khuza’ah gained authority of the Kabah, the first person in charge was Amr ibn Lahiyy. His name was Harith ibn Amir. Amir changed the religion of Ibrahim ( A.S. ) and prompted peopl
Is it true that the second Khalīfah married Imam Alī’s (as) daughter?
8802 2012/02/15 تاريخ بزرگانThe marriage of the second Khalīfah to Umm Kulthum has been narrated in both Shīʿah and Sunni books, however the different narrations vary from one another and are not the same. That which is common i
How are Shia beliefs about Aisha consistent with the Quranic verse, which forbids us from accusing chaste women?
21328 2012/02/04 تاريخ بزرگانFollowing Aisha s falling behind the caravan, the hypocrites and some other individuals who were also perhaps some of the proponents and supporters of the first caliph spread gossips and slanderous li
Had Imam Mahdi's mother been the granddaughter of Caesar, the King of the Romans?
23957 2012/01/11 تاريخ بزرگانAccording to reports and traditions, the real name of the mother of the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi ( atf ) had been Malika daughter of Yashoa, the son of Caesar the King of the Romans. From mother s sid
Where are the graves of prophets like Shoaib, Lot, Yusuf, Yunus, Adam, Abraham etc.? How did they die? Do they have tombs? If they do, where are they located?
30911 2011/11/10 تاريخ بزرگانThere are not precise details about the lives of many personalities and nobles including the divine prophets except a few of them; the historical sources lack any information about their lives, the ci
Some of the incidents pertaining to the event of Karbala do not seem to be rational? How can they be justified?
16261 2011/10/17 تاريخ بزرگانThe story of Karbala and martyrdom of Imam Hussein ( a.s ) and his companions is one of the very well-known and indisputable facts of a history that has been narrated and passed on to us chest by ches
I would like to know the life and personality of Owais Al-Qarni. Is it true that he broke his teeth after he heard that the Prophet had broken one tooth?
16168 2011/10/10 تاريخ بزرگانOwais al-Qarni whose epithet was “Abu Umar” was a Muslim mystic, martyr and philosopher of Yemen. He converted to Islam during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet ( s ) , but never met him personally. He
Where and when did Maryam and Asiya die and where is their burial location?
50082 2011/09/20 تاريخ کلامWhen Pharaoh learned that Asiyah, his wife, had embraced Moses religion, he told her persistently to give up his religion and abandon his God but she never surrendered herself to Pharaoh s demand. Fin
Why did the Holy Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) not throw down and break the idols to pieces before the conquest of Mecca? Was it because they did not want to hurt those who worshipped the idols?
10509 2011/08/04 تاريخ بزرگانThe destruction of idols by the Holy Prophet ( pbuh his family ) and Imam Ali ( a ) happened at the last stages of the propagation of Islam and conveyance of its message; this act of the Prophet ( s )
In a letter to Mu‘awiyah, Imam Ali (AS) speaks of the rule of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman as being pleased by God. Is not this in contradiction with the Shiite perspective?
10508 2011/06/21 تاريخ بزرگانIn debating, sometimes one side makes an argument against the other side based on the premises that the other side accepts. The purpose of such argument is to show that the other side is wrong even ba
Did Imam Al-Hussein have a daughter named “Ruqayyah” or “Sukainah” who passed away in Damascus while she was around 3-4 years old?
13957 2011/06/14 تاريخ بزرگانEven though many historians have not made mention of a small girl of Imam Hussein with the name of Ruqayyahh, Fatimah Sughraa or any other name in their books, but some books do cite the story of thi
What reason do Shia scholars have that proves the story of “Abdullah bin Saba’” by ‘Seyf bin Umar’ to be forged and false?
10678 2011/05/22 تاريخ بزرگانThe true Islam is that which the Shia follow, the teachings of which Imam Ali ( as ) has received from the prophet and transmitted to his followers. The attribution of Shia beliefs to a Jew by the nam
Amr Aas has poetry in Imam Ali’s praise; in which book can this poetry be found?
7516 2011/04/21 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
In our society there are some peoples who are raising the following questions about Imam Khomeini (ra).
6962 2011/04/20 تاريخ بزرگانThe volumes of Risaala-e-nouin aren t directly authored by Imam Khomeini, Abdul-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi has selected and translated some parts of Imam Khomeini’s book “Tahrir al-Wasilah” and commentated
Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) order Abu Bakr, during his illness, to lead the congregational prayers?
21336 2011/03/05 تاريخ بزرگانSome narrations have been related in the Sunni sources concerning the appointment of Abu Bakr by the Holy Prophet ( pbuh ) as a prayer leader. In case we accept them, some unacceptable complications
Is the Imam of Time (atf) living in Bermuda Triangle?
17605 2011/01/10 تاريخ کلامThe reason why some people have considered Bermuda Triangle as the residence of the Imam of Time ( atf ) is that they believe that Bermuda Triangle is the very Khazra Island. With this presumption tha