Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فضایل اخلاقی )
How can women in a family do jihad?
6599 2021/03/31 Hadith
According to the Quran, what is the characteristic of the best of people?
4215 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Which verse of the holy Quran discusses the way of salvation?
5369 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Why does Allah love the patients?
3723 2021/03/31 Exegesis
What does the holy Quran say about love of wife and husband towards each other?
3504 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Is having great affection for your spouse and being very kind to them considered as the right and a laudable act?
3331 2021/03/30 برخی احکام
What does the holy Quran and traditions say about trustfulness?
4036 2021/03/30 Hadith
Will the poor neighbor prevent the rich neighbor on the day of judgment from coming forward and saying: O Allah! Ask him why he has closed the door on me and refused his favor to me?
3107 2021/03/30 Hadith
Which one of the retaliation or forgiveness is preferable to each other according to the teachings of Islam?
3367 2021/03/30 عفو و بخشش
What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
2860 2021/03/30 معیار شناسی (دین و اخلاق)
What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
2851 2021/03/30 Hadith
Is it justifiable that the more knowledge a person acquires the humbler they should be?
2513 2021/03/30 فضایل اخلاقی
Please provide us with the meaning of humbleness and its effects? What is the difference between humbleness and humility?
3099 2021/03/30 فضایل اخلاقی
According to the holy Quran and traditions, what are the foundations of Medical ethics?
2985 2021/03/30 بیشتر بدانیم
According to traditions, what are the moral characteristics of Prophet Jesus (as)?
3094 2021/03/30 Hadith
What are the courses of actions for having good-temperament in our life? What are the worldly and heavenly results of having good moral?
5593 2019/10/06 دستور العمل ها
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
11343 2014/04/20 ModernWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows: A ) Spiritual methods: 1. Remembering Allah ( by worshiping Him
What is meant by inner rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran?
9393 2014/04/20 Quranic StudiesSince the Holy Quran is Allah s words and the Prophet of Islam s ( P.B.U.H ) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendati
Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?
12505 2014/01/22 عجب و خود پسندیIn view of the fact that ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies good and bad moral traits, voluntary conducts and volitional behaviors, it is very much logical and scientific to discuss and put
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
10048 2013/12/19 PracticalAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet ( S ) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with d
Is it a must that the trousers must not pass the ankle?
6852 2013/05/15 دستور العمل هاThere is a chapter in Kulayni s Al-Kafi titled Tashmir al-Theyab in which it has been pointed out that it is preferred that the clothe a person wears should not be so long to be dragged on earth. Howe
What does Islam recommend for a man to be cleaned and well-dressed?
10472 2012/02/14 TheoreticalObserving cleanliness is necessary everywhere and for all men and women. One should always keep his body and clothes clean and tidy. He should wash his hands and face every morning brush his teeth an