Questions Archive(Thematic Category:علوم قرآنی)
Has the Quran mentioned anything about Khidhr?
12681 2008/09/03 Quranic StudiesThe Quran hasn’t clearly mentioned the name of Khidhr, yet he has been referred to as “One of Our servants whom We had granted a grace from Ourselves, and taught him a knowledge from Our own” [ i ] (
What are the characteristics of a true qari (one who recites the Quran) according to Imam Sadiq (as)?
17426 2008/08/18 Quranic StudiesImam Sadiq ( as ) has stated some traits and characteristics for those who want to be qaris ( experts in the field of recitation ) of the Holy Quran. Some of these characteristics are as follows: Acce
How can the Quran, whose verses contradict one another, be a book of guidance for all of mankind in all ages and throughout time?
13478 2008/07/13 Quranic StudiesAs the Quran itself attests, it is a universal book “a reminder to all worlds” for all people in all times and places “a warner to all mankind”.Its verses, which have been revealed by Allah, are and w
How many scholars or legal authorities are or have been hafizes of the Quran?
8332 2007/01/04 Quranic StudiesQuranic memorization is one of the most admirable and praiseworthy practices which had become prevalent amongst the Muslims since the time of the noble prophet ; it has always been conside