Questions Archive(Thematic Category:وضو، اذان و نماز)
What does the word "ila" "up to" in the Quranic verse on wudu (paying attention to the Sunni method of making wudu) mean? Can you please tell us of the Holy Prophet\'s demeanor regarding this subject?
8098 2019/06/11 Way of life ofIt should be said about the word ila in the Quranic verse on wudu that it is only for explaining the limit of washing and its amount not the way and method of washing; meaning in the verse the limit a
What position does Tarawih prayer take according to Shia school of thought, considering that it is prevalent among Ahlul Sunna?
5473 2017/01/25 وضو، اذان و نمازTarawih Prayer refers to Nafilah prayers performed at night in the holy Month of Ramadan after salat of Isha. [ 1 ] Tarawih prayer is offered by Ahlul Sunna in congregation ordered by their second
Why do Shiites wipe their feet rather than washing them which is an obligatory act in wudhu?
7342 2017/01/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is quite natural and clear that every sect and denomination considers itself to be on the right side or to be the right sect. Contrary to what you think we believe we are performing what is mandato
Considering that the Prophet of Islam (S) performed his prayers ordinarily in five separate times, why do Shiites perform the obligatory daily prayers in three times? Why do they base their arguments on only a few instances of the Prophet\'s conducts?
6981 2015/08/04 وضو، اذان و نمازIn regards to this question two points have to be investigated separately: 1. Permissibility of establishing prayers in three times 2. Significance of combing or not combining prayers Sunnis are of