Questions Archive(Thematic Category:پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی ها)
Prove the existence of God and then indicate how qualities such as being pure, sacrosanct (inviolable), and the greater, etc can be proven in regards to Him?
5824 2019/06/12 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاAllah the Exalted is the absolute and perfect existence with no defects or deficiencies. He is a unique existence with the ability to do anything and is aware of all objects everything in all situatio
What is the meaning of ownership and kingdom of Allah, the Lord of the Universe? Why is said that God is the king?
12625 2015/06/08 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاOne of the attributes of Allah is Mālik which literally means being powerful and having something in one s exclusive possession . This word has sometimes been translated into king in other languages i
What does it mean to say that divine attributes are the same as the essence?
9395 2013/02/16 TraditionalOne of the important theological, mystical, exegetical and philosophical discussions revolves around unity of attribute and the essence or name and the named. Since the point of dispute is not complet
Given the fact that God is not recognizable by the mind, how is it possible to have knowledge of Him in a way which is not concomitant with polytheism?
7118 2013/02/02 TraditionalIn regards to proper knowledge of God, we must say that, based on authentic traditions, the criterion is to avoid likening God to anything and divesting God of His attributes. For further explanation
How do we interpret the attributes just, most compassionate and one for God?
6949 2012/10/20 TraditionalJustice means to place everything in its appropriate place. This said, divine justice can have two types. First: takwini justice which means that every existing being including the skies and earth are
Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?
8358 2012/08/04 ExegesisAccording to the verses and narrations, God is Compassionate and Merciful and He also has the qualities of anger and indignation. That is, He is both All-Forgiving and severe in punishment, He is the
Is divine knowledge merely proven by the teleological argument?
7192 2012/06/21 TraditionalThere are many ways to prove divine knowledge: 1. The teleological argument, 2. The argument that one cannot grant what one does possess, 3. The infiniteness of God and His encompassment of the entire
Is Lordship confined to God Almighty?
8957 2012/05/21 Theoreticalربوبیت ( Lordship ) is derived from the word رب ( lord ) and is used in the Arabic language for the words owner, possessor and trainer. Given the fact that God is the owner of all existence, the manag