Questions Archive(Thematic Category:ثواب و عقاب)
in brief: Is there any hope of protection from the punishment of the Day of Judgment?
4775 2019/06/12 PracticalWhat is concluded by studying all the religious teachings is that the hope for Allah s mercy and the fear of punishment on the Day of Judgment are two complementary qualities which a believer should p
Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?
8208 2012/08/04 ExegesisAccording to the verses and narrations, God is Compassionate and Merciful and He also has the qualities of anger and indignation. That is, He is both All-Forgiving and severe in punishment, He is the
How can we differentiate between a divine test and a divine punishment?
14030 2012/05/26 TraditionalSome of the calamities and hardship we endure in our lives are definitely a part of divine trial and tribulations that are aimed to make us choose our path and adopt our strategy and position against