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  • What are the benefits of having an "absent" imam in occultation?
    7958 Traditional 2009/05/17
    Although the existence of an infallible imam entails many benefits, but an imam in occultation also has its own numerous benefits which can be summed up in the following:1- Being the mediator between us and Allah's (swt) divine grace2- The people making use of his existence3- Aid and ...
  • What is meant by the Makr of Allah that has been mentioned in the Quran?
    20975 Exegesis 2011/04/20
    “Makr” means to devise for good or evil and this is why it is described by the word “السَّیئ” (bad/evil) in the Quran.Allah’s Makr: The many verses that attribute “Makr” to Allah refer to his supreme direction and regulation of matters.  Since he is the ...
  • Is Zoroastrianism a divine faith?
    10193 Traditional 2009/09/23
    Based on the hymns of Gatha, the actual nature of Zoroaster is divine, nevertheless, Avesta’s famous teachings show signs of polytheism, making it an undivine faith. These signs have actually been innovated by later Zoroastrians known as the Manis into the faith. Though it is a religion bearing ...
  • Do animals possess souls and if so how does the animal soul differ from the human soul?
    9464 Islamic Philosophy 2011/08/15
    Before embarking on the answer to this question, it must be noted that the answer provided below is based on the school of Transcendent Theosophy, i.e., Sadrian philosophy. In this light, the answer will be expounded under two main headings and several subtopics.
  • Is it permissible for women to expose their feet the same way they are allowed to expose their hands?
    8612 Laws and Jurisprudence 2009/10/22
    This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer. ...
  • Can Buddhism be considered a divine faith?
    8884 Traditional 2010/01/09
    Some believe Buddha to be a divine prophet who had acquired the fundamentals of his religion through revelation. This theory seems to be acceptable for two reasons (although the faith underwent major alteration later):1- Considering ancient Buddhist teachings: The work history ...
  • Can one take narcotics during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to wake at dawn?
    7206 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/04/17
    1. Generally speaking, anything that has a considerable harm for the body is haram to consume.[1] Considering the substantial individual and societal harms of drugs, they are haram.[2] Therefore, you shouldn’t be using such things, although they ...
  • What is the history of Ibadiyya and where do the Ibadies live?
    16453 شیعه و دیگر مذاهب 2014/01/20
    The Ibadi movement linked to Abdullah bin Ibadh is a group of moderate Kharijites and the dominant sect in Oman and north Africa. However, Ibadis deny anything more than a passing relation to the Khawarij and point out that they merely developed out of the same precursor ...
  • Is there any tradition (hadith) regarding octopus?
    8141 Laws and Jurisprudence 2014/08/04
    We haven’t found any tradition in which using octopus as food be considered impermissible. However, we can infer this forbidden from other traditions (ahadith) in which the main rules have been stated in this regards. This means, any types of marine animals which haven’t scale are being ...
  • Why is the grave of Lady Fatimah (as) still concealed, while Imam Ali’s (as) has been revealed?
    7707 Traditional 2008/09/21
    The reason for why the grave of Imam Ali (as) was concealed for a while was the fact that ignorant and abusive individuals who were enemies to him, would possibly disrespect his grave. Later on though, after time had passed and the abovementioned individuals had passed away, in ...
