Questions Archive(Thematic Category:تفسیر)
What is the commentary or exegesis of verses 97 to 99 of Surah al-Nisa?
9653 2013/04/18 ExegesisCommentators and exegetes of the Holy Quran have said about the occasion in which verse 97 of Surah al-Nisa was revealed [ 1 ] that a number of Muslims had apparently pronounced the Shahadatain ( Two
In brief, what are the lessons [that can be taken] from Sūrah Banī Isrā\'īl?
10287 2013/01/15 ExegesisThe popular view amongst the commentators is that Sūrah Banī Isrā īl ( Isrā ) [ 1 ] was revealed in Mecca and is considered a Meccan Sūrah [ 2 ] . In summary, the core teachings of Sūrah Banī Isrā īl
What is the best verse in the Quran?
8826 2013/01/01 ExegesisBefore dealing with the main question, we must say that the Quran itself is the best book and superior to all heavenly books. All of its verses ( ayāt ) are at the highest level of perfection and sign
What is the most important message of Surah al-Masadd?
14577 2012/12/31 ExegesisThe most important message of this Surah ( chapter ) can be explain in such a way that wealthy, position and family relationship with prophets cannot protect an individual from God s wrath or fury. Ab
Who are the people of Gog and Magog? Where did they end up? What were the actions taken by Dhul-Qarnayn against them?
18325 2012/12/16 ExegesisIt is inferred from the Quranic verses, the information provided by Torah and historical evidence that these people lived in north Asia. They were known for their atrocious and barbaric attacks creati
What is the story of Salih’s she-camel in the Quran and the controversy that exists surrounding its death?
18343 2012/09/13 ExegesisOne of the methods used by the Quran through its verses is the use of ijmal and tafsil ( brevity and detail ) . There are three verses among the verses concerning the event of the death of Salih s she
Based on verses 146 -148 of chapter 26, Samood tribe lived in a land with many water springs but verse 28 of chapter 54 states that there was only one spring in their land. Which one of these is true in your opinion?
14137 2012/09/08 ExegesisA closer look at the details in Quranic verses and traditions on the story of water sharing between Samood tribe and Salih s camel indicates that even after the emergence of the camel out of the mount
Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?
8208 2012/08/04 ExegesisAccording to the verses and narrations, God is Compassionate and Merciful and He also has the qualities of anger and indignation. That is, He is both All-Forgiving and severe in punishment, He is the
Why did the Holy Prophet (S) enjoy more freedom in gratifying his physical needs than others? And why were many restrictions imposed on his wives?
9480 2012/06/05 ExegesisThis question refers to the differences which exist between the Holy Prophet ( S ) and other people. In fact, it does not concern the general differences between men and women in the way they have sex
Is it possible to say that since the ayah of taṭhīr is located in the middle of the ayah, it does not entail exclusivity? Who are the Ahl al-Bayt?
8377 2012/05/21 ExegesisIn response to the first section of the question, the ayah of taṭhīr is located in the middle of another larger ayah, but the most this issue can imply is that it is out of context when considering th
What is the Quran’s perspective on waste and extravagance?
60091 2012/05/09 ExegesisThe religion of Islam is the religion of life and its precepts and rules set the grounds for human felicity and success, both for the individual, as well as the society. Islam has brought forth a comp
What is the tale of the Gharānīq
10048 2012/04/21 ExegesisThe tradition of the Gharānīq is a fabrication created by the enemies of Islam in order to weaken the position of the Quran and the Prophet ( s ) . Towards these ends, the following story has been cre
According to the Holy Quran, what are the ways through which mankind is put to test?
9989 2012/04/18 ExegesisGod says in the Holy Quran that Allah created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed. The concept of divine test is very different from the tests carried out by human beings in r
What is meant by the prostration of the herb and tree in the verse: “و النجم و الشجر یسجدان”?
14786 2012/04/17 ExegesisNajm ( النجم ) means star or a plant that doesn t have a stem. In the verse, considering that shajar or tree has been mentioned before najm, it can be concluded that what is meant by najm is herb and
What is the meaning of Dābat al-Ardh in Surah Naml?
13784 2012/04/16 ExegesisThe word Dābat pertains to a moving animal and it can be applied to both human beings, as well as other creatures. Now, the question remains as to what kind of animal has been mentioned in the Quranic
What is the meaning and philosophy of ‘gradual revelation of the Quran’?
19276 2012/04/04 Exegesis1. The word nuzul literally means descent as stated by the glossaries of the Quran such as Mufradat, Misbah and Aqrab. Raghib says in his Mufradat: Nuzul in reality means descent from an eminence . Th
Verse 55 of Aal-i Imraan states that the followers of Prophet Jesus (a) are superior amongst all the disbelievers. If this is the case, then why should we not follow his religion so that on the Day of Resurrection, we may be considered superior amongst all the disbelievers?
11389 2012/03/07 ExegesisVarious responses and views have been presented regarding this particular verse. We will use this as an opportunity to discuss several of them. 1 What is meant by the followers of Prophet Jesus ( a
How old will you be in heaven/hell?
10352 2012/02/18 ExegesisThe change in appearance and outer features as one ages are related to this world, but this isn t the case for the hereafter, especially heaven; people don’t have different appearances and faces there
If the laws of God are unchangeable, then how are the miracles of Jesus (a) explained?
7667 2012/02/15 ExegesisIn order to properly answer this question, we must first discuss three preliminary matters. These matters are the actual definition of a miracle, the intent of a miracle, and the lack of incompatibili
What is the meaning of God’s devising?
7612 2012/02/15 ExegesisImam Rida ( AS ) was asked about the attribution of deceit and ridicule to Allah, which the Quran has mentioned, his excellency replied: “Allah Almighty neither ridicules nor deceives or devises again
Is the guidance of the Quran particular to the pious? If so, is it not a vicious circle?
8612 2012/01/23 ExegesisContrary to the verses which consider guidance of the Quran particular to the pious, there are other verses in the Holy Quran which regard the divine books and the Quran as a source of guidance, remem
How is Prophet Adam’s (A.S.) creation (about 5,764 years ago) make sense when fossils found from human beings are almost 25 million years old?
153053 2012/01/15 ExegesisThere is no inconsistence between these two. If we have heard that Prophet Adam has been created six to seven thousand years ago, this might refer to a different and new generation of human beings whi
Please mention the five qualities of the Imam according to Quranic ayahs?
16020 2011/12/21 ExegesisSubsequent to mentioning the story of rescuing Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Lut and granting Ibrahim ( as ) righteous children, [ 1 ] the Quran reflects on the imamah and leadership of this great Proph
Is the prayer performed in the Imams' shrine right? Though the grave is in the direction of the prayer?
11259 2011/12/21 ExegesisConsidering the verse mentioned at the surface level, we deduce that it is permissible to build mosques over graves. In the exegesis of the Quran, it is mentioned that a mosque has been built over the
Doesn’t there seem to be a discrepancy between the first verse of surah Anfāl, which allocates the ownership of all war spoils to Allah (swt) and the prophet, and verse 41 of the same surah which only entitles them to one fifth of the spoils?
6479 2011/12/20 ExegesisFirst of all, from a logical perspective, ‘anfāl’ and ‘war spoils’ aren t equal, and aside from this point, it must be said that from a one point of view, everything in the entire universe belongs to
The Quran says, "We have revealed the clear Book." What is meant by clear? Why does God say that He sent down a book after He sent it down?
12027 2011/12/17 ExegesisThe word clear or perspicuous is one of the adjectives qualifying the Quran. With this qualifying word, God wants to make His book further known to people. Thus, the aim is to tell people that this Bo
What is the significance of words in divine revelation?
6990 2011/10/08 ExegesisEverything has four modes of existence: verbal existence, written existence, mental existence and external existence. Revelation also has these four modes of existence: For example, when we speak of t
Does the Quran intend to identify God as the sensible light when it says that God is the light of the heavens and the earth?
8253 2011/09/21 Exegesis1. Certainly, the by referring to Allah as light, the Qur an does not intend to identify Him as a physical and sensory light because the sensible light is a part of the accident characteristic of matt
What does it mean to say that God's will attaches to punishing human beings or having mercy on them?
7792 2011/09/17 ExegesisThere are some verses in the Quran according to which God s will has been introduced as the cause of dignity, misery, sustenance, forgiveness, punishment and reward of the servants. According to some
Regarding verse 80 of Surah al-Kahf, where Khidr (ع) explains his reason for killing the young boy- in view of the Divine principle of not recording evil deeds or punishing people for them before they have taken place, some questions arise…
11735 2011/08/15 ExegesisThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the meaning of Allah’s (awj) misguidance in the Qur`an?
9879 2011/08/15 ExegesisMisguidance is a non-existent entity. Since guidance means to lead someone to a goal, then misguidance is the absence of guidance. In the parlance of the logicians, the relation between guidance and m
How can the incoherence between verses 21 of chapter 57 and 133 of chapter 3 be resolved in regards to heaven?
7493 2011/05/22 ExegesisPresumably, the point which caused you to imagine that these two verses are incoherent and contradictory with each other was the translation of the word of “al-Samā” into “one heaven” whereas the real
What are the ways through which one can protect himself against the evil eye?
26780 2011/05/22 ExegesisIt begins when the person likes something, then his evil soul dwells on the matter, and by continually looking at the person who has the thing of which he feels jealous, he directs his spell towards h
Is Imam Ali capable of reviving the dead?
12360 2011/04/20 ExegesisAsserting that someone can independently do so without God’s assistance is in absolute contradiction with tawhid af’ali ( oneness in action ) , for death and life is solely in God’s hand.However, if o
Is it correct to recite salawat when hearing Surah Yasin, and is there a reason for it?
10161 2011/04/20 ExegesisReciting salawat when mentioning or referring to the Prophet ( sa ) has been recommended in the ahadith. A hadith reveals that the Prophet has ten names, five of which have been mentioned in the Quran