Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فقه)
How much distance must be traversed in order for us to have to shorten the prayer (qasr)? For people that live in America what is the basis for establishing a shortened prayer: Do we use the end of the actual city or do we use the walls of the city?
9262 2009/11/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
If I perform tayammum instead of wudhu or ghusl because of shortage of time, will it be acceptable?
13597 2009/11/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Can we not cover all of our hair due to hair loss and because the doctor has asked us to do so?
6355 2009/11/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe hijab is a very important matter to the extent that the Quran has even directly spoken of it. Allah ( swt ) says in surah Nur:“And tell the faithful women to cast down their looks and to guard the
Can you please explain why it is haram to marry the wives of the prophet after his demise?
12961 2009/11/24 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to verse 6 of surah Ahzab, the wives of the prophet ( pbuh ) are like the mothers of the believers and have the ruling of their mothers. Consequently, marrying them is haram. Numerous reason
If the imam of a jama’ah prayer doesn’t observe the correct recitation in some cases (even after being reminded), is it still permissible to follow him?
6210 2009/10/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThe viewpoint of Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani is as follows:1- According to an obligatory precaution, it is necessary to observe the correct I’rabs ( vowels ) during the prayer.2- Correct recitation
During Salatul Wahsha should we read Ayatul Kursi till the section that says ‘aliyyul adheem’ or till the section that says, ‘hum feeha khalidoon’?
17015 2009/10/22 Laws and JurisprudenceSalatul Wahsha, also called Salatu Laylatil Dafn ( the prayer of the first night after burial ) , is a prayer that is recited on the first night that a mu’min person has been buried. It is called Sal
Is it permissible for women to not cover their feet and leave them exposed?
26933 2009/10/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is it permissible for women to expose their feet the same way they are allowed to expose their hands?
8874 2009/10/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is meant by the true and false dawn?
15590 2009/09/23 Laws and JurisprudenceThe “true” and “false” dawns are fiqhi/astronomic terms which refer to specific times of day/night. The false dawn is when a white light rises in the east of the sky. Praying the fajr prayer at this t
When does the Asr prayer time begin?
12279 2009/09/23 Laws and JurisprudenceThe beginning of the asr prayer time is actually the time of merit for Asr prayer which starts when the specific time for Dhuhr prayer ends.
Is it permissible to contract a temporary marriage with a Sunni girl without her father’s consent?
9055 2009/09/23 FiqhThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Do any limits in number apply to temporary marriage?
7402 2009/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThe hadithic and Quranic reasoning for the permissibility and validity of temporary marriage is so much that no one can deny it and say that they are all unauthentic or forged. Of course, it can be co
When are nafilahs to be performed?
9693 2009/08/16 Laws and JurisprudencePerforming nafilahs prepares one for performing the wajib prayers and brings a tendency and desire for performing Islamic obligatory acts and wajib prayers.The most important outcome of praying nafila
How can the dominance of men over women in the family that the Quran mentions be justified?
19028 2009/07/19 Laws and JurisprudenceVerse 34 of surah Nisa, “الرجال قوامون علی النسا” doesn’t say that men are dominant over women and can be forceful to them; what it is really saying, as word experts and commentators of the Quran have
Is it possible for a human to get married with a jinn?
7151 2009/07/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThank you for your question. First of all, it should be kept in mind that knowing the answer to such questions has no effect on our lives. There is no spiritual or material benefit for knowing these t
How are prayers whose time has passed to be recited; with a loud or silent voice?
8114 2009/07/19 Laws and JurisprudencePrayers whose times have passed, making them qadha, must be recited the same way they would be recited if they were ada and prayed on time. For instance, if one misses the fajr ( morning ) prayer and
What is Musharakah?
7089 2009/07/19 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islamic fiqh, the term musharakah is used for two meanings:1- For two or more people to have a joint ownership regarding anything that can be owned ( let it be wealth, assets or even a right ) . On
What is Mudharabah?
9867 2009/07/19 Laws and JurisprudenceContinue...
What is the ruling on looking at porn that involves non-Muslims?
19414 2009/04/29 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is it permissible to invest in non-Muslim countries?
7326 2009/04/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIn response to your inquiry, the grand Ayatullah Khamenei says: “Investing in the banks of countries with non-Islamic governments is permissible per se, given that it doesn’t strengthen them political
Is it okay to contract a temporary marriage with a Shia girl without her father’s permission and after having intercourse with her?
19783 2009/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, fulfilling one’s sexual desires can only be done with the observation of Islamic law. Most of the marja’s today believe that performing the mutah or temporary marriage with a virgi
Can a Sunni girl get married to a Shia man and why? Please list the reasons.
103564 2009/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe popular viewpoint amongst Shia scholars and jurisprudents is that a Shia man can get married to a Sunni woman, but there is a difference of opinion regarding the marriage of a Sunni man with a Shi
What is the ruling on a Shia man marrying a Sunni woman and are the children considered Sunni or Shia?
8132 2009/04/06 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Grand Ayatullahs say:It is okay for a Shia man to marry a Sunni woman, but if he fears to be misguided by her, it isn t permissible. [ 1 ] As for where to contract the marriage, it doesn’t make a
Can one use a car or house loan to perform Hajj?
6449 2009/03/14 Laws and JurisprudenceContinue...
Is there a problem in paying off one's debt in the evening or after dark?
6719 2009/03/12 Laws and JurisprudenceContinue...
What is the ruling on putting money in non-Islamic banks and is the interest received from it considered haram riba? Also, can one work in these banks?
9770 2009/03/12 Laws and JurisprudenceContinue...
Is the network marketing of Tahitian Noni juice permissible?
8295 2009/03/09 Laws and JurisprudenceIf your question is about the ruling on marketing this drink as a result of it being halal or haram itself, this is the answer the maraje’ have given to your inquiry:The office of the Grand Ayatullah
If one has doubt about the marja he/she has chosen, what needs to be done?
7834 2009/03/02 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is obligatory for one who has reached the age of obligation ( “religious puberty” or “bulugh” ) to choose the most learned marja and follow his fatwas or verdicts. There are only three ways one can
Why is rabbit meat haram?
54906 2009/02/08 Laws and JurisprudenceThere are hadiths that tell us rabbit meat is haram. Therefore, this is Allah’s ( swt ) rule on the matter, and we have to follow Allah’s ( swt ) orders because they are His orders, not because in som
In my opinion, the only thing that true reasoning calls for, is for the marjas to be references when it comes to Islamic information,...
6819 2009/01/20 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqlid means for one to refer to an expert in a certain field for enlightenment. The ulema have comprehensively explained all of the reasoning for their judgments in their detailed books. Also, the fa
Is it permissible to bury Muslims in kafir cemeteries?
9446 2008/12/31 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islamic law, it is forbidden to both bury Muslims in kafir cemeteries and kafirs in Muslim ones, and if such a thing ever takes place, it is permissible to exhume the corpse and transfer
Why do the Shia pray with open hands while the Sunnis pray with their hands closed? How would the holy prophet of Islam pray? Are there any hadiths on this subject?
66047 2008/12/21 Laws and JurisprudenceBecause of the many hadiths they have regarding this matter, the Shia pray with open hands in order to have followed the tradition of the holy prophet ( pbuh ) and the imams ( as ) . These hadiths exp
Why are apostates executed in Islam? Doesn’t that contradict freedom of belief?
13770 2008/12/10 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islamic terms, apostasy means for one to openly express and show his/her renouncement of religion and usually ends up in others being encouraged to do the same. The punishment for apostasy doesn’t
Does touching a religiously unclean substance make one religiously unclean? Does one have to perform ghusl to become clean?
10376 2008/09/30 Laws and JurisprudenceWhenever a religiously clean item touches a religiously unclean one and both of them or either one of them is wet enough for the moisture to be transferred to the other item, the religiously clean ite
What are the conditions for one to be considered Muslim or a believer?
13736 2008/09/15 Laws and JurisprudenceIslam and Iman or faith ( which are two terms referring to two different things ) have different levels and degrees. The first degree, which is referred to as “Islam”, can be reached when one says the