Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام قدیم)
Can you shed some light on the number of major Shi'ah sects?
8289 2012/01/28 TraditionalThe term Shi ah literally means follower or partisan and it has also been used to mean path , faction , or a member of a party . In the technical sense, the term Shi ah has as close connection with th
What are the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (atf) and the events that shall take place thereupon?
23213 2012/01/28 TraditionalYour question concerning the reappearance of the Imam of Time can be investigated around four focal points:First: The signs for his coming are categorized into different groups, one of them being thei
Why has God created creatures like devils and then mentions that these creatures can only harm one with God’s permission?
8598 2012/01/19 TraditionalIn regard to the nature of Jinns, the Quran says: “and we created the jinn earlier out of a piercing fire.” Therefore, jinns do exist and they also have prophets like man does. They are obligated to w
Is an Imam’s status greater than that of a prophet’s?
19910 2012/01/17 TraditionalThe superiority of the Imams in comparison to the prophets is mentioned in many hadiths and the reason to it is the oneness of the inner light of the prophet of Islam and the Imams. Since the prophet
Please explain the features the Quran mentions for an Imam.
10568 2012/01/17 TraditionalThere are two types of Imamate ( leadership of a society ) mentioned in the Quran; First: “The Imams of light” who are the pious and righteous leaders and second: “The Imams of fire” who are the heads
Why didn’t God help the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt in their fight against their enemies when He had knowledge of the future?
7048 2012/01/17 TraditionalGod is aware of all the realities and secrets. Therefore, all events and creatures are present in His essence and nothing is absent from it. With His power, He is aware of the cunningness and oppressi
What does Shia doctrine say about the awaited Mahdi?
11820 2012/01/17 TraditionalSince the above question is too vague and general, we decided to have a brief introduction of Imam’s ( AJ ) lifestyle, assertions from the unseen ( akhbar ghaibi ) and signs of his reappearance.His na
What is the view of the majority of scholars regarding Wilayah Faqih during the major Occultation?
9110 2012/01/17 TraditionalFor over a thousand years, Shi’a scholars have been cultivating the concept of Wilayah Faqih, its bounds and its privileges. Some, such as Abu al-Salah Halabi and Ibn Idris Hilli , have addressed the
Who is God? Why have I not become God? Why do I always have to be weaker, inferior and less knowledgeable than God?
7463 2012/01/15 TraditionalDoubt and skepticism in the sphere of beliefs is a spiritual illness and will endanger the spiritual and mental health of the individual and society; therefore it must be carefully cured. However doub
Please explain the intellectual and logical reasons that prove tawhid.
14230 2012/01/15 TraditionalTawhid, which is amongst the most prominent principles of all Abrahamic faiths, means to believe there is only one god, and is the opposite of polytheism ( shirk ) . Tawhid also includes denying any p
Did the prophet commit Tark al-awla in the battle of Badr or Tabuk?
10495 2012/01/15 TraditionalSome Muslims scholars from denominations other than Shiism believed that when the Prophet did not receive revelations in regard to a certain issue, he would improvise in that regard. On this basis, it
How does God have knowledge of unreal or false information whereas false information is not considered to be knowledge?
6941 2012/01/01 TraditionalGod s knowledge of something – be it true or false – does not imply its acceptance. You know that God’s knowledge is neither acquired through learning nor preceded by ignorance. God’s knowledge encomp
Where are the spirits of people who died in remote times? Are they not contained in a place and does time not run on them?
11403 2011/12/29 TraditionalHuman beings live, after their deaths, in an intermediate state, a realm called Barzakh ( the Intermediate World ) which is a world between this life and the Hereafter. Barzakh is a sequence that happ
Will there be a new life in the world after the Day of Judgment?
23416 2011/12/26 TraditionalIt is gathered from the evidences and proofs in the verses of the Quran that the Day of Judgment is in fact not the continuation of this world. This world shall turn into a mess completely because gre
Given the fact that man's body cells change continuously from the time of conception until old age, which one of these bodies are resurrected and brought to justice on the Day of Judgment?
7570 2011/12/25 TraditionalThe answer to the above question is that the soul is the center of reward and punishment, happiness and agony, pleasure and pain. Hence, if the body suffers a pain, it is because of the soul to which
Is there any death in Paradise and Hell?
7031 2011/12/25 TraditionalThe Quran, traditions and rational arguments agree that when the Day of Judgment occurs and human beings go to Paradise and Hell, there is no death thereafter. The Holy Quran describes the Day of Resu
Why do they call Prophet Isa “The Spirit of God”?
33145 2011/12/20 TraditionalAlthough certain characteristics are shared by different individuals or things and can be found in numerous places, but sometimes for certain reasons, a certain thing or person is identified with that
What is our duty during the time of Imam Mahdi’s occultation?
10416 2011/12/20 TraditionalOur duties during the Imam’s occultation are very much the same duties we have during his presence. One could briefly say that the greatest duty of the Shias during this period is to await Faraj and I
How come Imam Ali did not object and oppose the Caliphs becoming the Caliph, and did not abolish the Bid’ahs (innovations)? And if the Caliphs were kafirs (unbelievers), how come he did not declare them kafirs and announce that they had unrightfully usurped the Caliphate when he came to power?
12786 2011/12/20 TraditionalOn some occasions Imam Ali did object to the previous Caliphs in practice and according to what has been narrated in our books the imam had opposed and criticized the previous Caliphs several times. F
Is God is so powerless that He cannot do any act unless there should be someone else to carry out His tasks?
7821 2011/12/20 TraditionalThe claim and presupposition in this question is that God does the act of which He is capable and if there is an act which He does not have the power to do, He uses certain means to carry them out and
What difference do God's knowledge, power, justice and life make with the same attributes in human beings?
7676 2011/12/19 TraditionalGod, the Exalted, is characteristic of such attributes ( e.g. knowledge, power and life etc. ) which indicate the perfection of His essence.Man also possesses these characteristics and is qualified by
What does resurrection of animals mean in the Quranic verse which says "When the wild beasts are herded together "? Does it mean that the animals are also resurrected and held answerable for their deeds?
13535 2011/12/17 TraditionalThe Literal and Technical Meaning of Hashr:The word hashr literally means to collect something but hashr in the technical meaning refers to God s herding and gathering together the creatures on the Da
The Creation of Iblis
12458 2011/12/03 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
If the pleasures and joys of Paradise are not humdrum and boring, why do the dwellers of Paradise give up one pleasure for another?
7525 2011/12/01 TraditionalIt seems that the reason for this question originates in a kind comparison or similarity drawn between worldly and heavenly features. The questioner is presumably under the impression that Paradise ha
What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)?
11799 2011/12/01 TraditionalIn order for us to understand the significance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein ( a.s. ) , it is necessary to take notice of the following points:1. The Holy Quran ( a.s. ) has emphasized t
Is it wrong to have doubts about the Imamate of some of the Imams?
7373 2011/11/21 TraditionalIslamic beliefs are like a connected chain, such that if one part is missing, then the whole chain will be useless and have no benefit. This situation is similar in regard to believing in the Imams; b
What is the difference between an imam and a prophet?
10820 2011/11/21 TraditionalThere are differences between the imams and the Holy Prophet that are mentioned in the ahadith, but in order to keep this article short, we will only mention a summary of these differences. For more i
Did the Imams have knowledge of the unseen?
11525 2011/11/21 TraditionalAccording to Quranic teachings, complete knowledge of the unseen only belongs to Allah, and it is Him that knows everything about this world. Some of Allah’s special servants are informed of secrets a
What is the wisdom behind creation? Please mention logical arguments in this regard. If the world was created for man to develop and reach perfection, then why didn’t Allah just create man perfect in the first place?
11981 2011/11/21 TraditionalAllah is a transcendental entity and possesses all excellences. At the same time, creation is a means of grace and Allah is graceful. His unlimited grace calls for him to create whatever has the poten
Why has God introduced Himself as "Allah" (alif, lām, lām and ha)? Why not another
7371 2011/11/17 TraditionalThis name ( Allah ) is used for the Necessary Being ( wajibul wujud ) whose existence is obligatory and pure in all terms. He possesses all the qualities of perfection. To refer to such a being, diffe
What is the meaning of the word "Allah"?
13639 2011/11/17 TraditionalThe word Allah which is translated into God is a particular and the most comprehensive name of God. Hazrat Ali ( a.s. ) explaining the meaning of Allah said, Allah means the worshipped one, by Whom pe
Did the Imams battle for power and did they want a hereditary form of government?
8262 2011/11/09 TraditionalFirstly, the seerah ( biography ) of the Imams shows that the Imams did not struggle for power nor did they have a craving for power. If at times they were defending their rights, it was because they
What is the station of intercession on the Day of Resurrection?
9286 2011/11/03 TraditionalShafa ah ( intercession ) is derived from shaf which means even as opposed to odd - the interceder adds his own recommendation to the plea of the petitioner; in this way the number of pleaders becomes
What are the causes of the emergence and development of different sects among Muslims?
24565 2011/11/03 TraditionalThere are different factors involved in the emergence of different sects, religions and denominations among Muslims. They include the following: Discarding the Holy Prophet s Will and recommendations
How is the communication of spirits with people on earth?
9809 2011/10/29 TraditionalThe Possibility of Communicating with the SpiritsIt is said that one way to obtain information from other worlds is to make contact with spirits.Take note of the following in this regards;A – Such con