Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فلسفه احکام و حقوق)
What are the sources for derivation and issuance of legal verdicts?
5513 2017/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawIjtihad literally means to endeavor strive put oneself out work hard. In Islamic legal terminology it is defined as the total expenditure of effort by a mujtahid in order to infer with a high degree o
How does staying at Arafat lead t self-knowledge?
6311 2015/04/14 Philosophy of Religion and LawArafat is the name of a land near Mecca which is obligatory for Hajjis ( pilgrims ) to stay there on the 9th day of the month of Zilhajja during the Hajj pilgrimage. The word Arafat is derived from Ar
What is the philosophy of Ghusl (ceremonial washing)?
8687 2014/06/22 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe reason which is behind the Jinabat Ghusl is to clean and purify our soul from its pollution and purify our body from the impurity. This means, if we want to remove the Jinabat from our body we hav
Given that anal intercourse has been forbidden according to a prophetic tradition, why do some jurisprudents consider it to be permissible?
28788 2013/08/13 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe narrations which have been transmitted and passed on to jurisprudents can be divided into two main categories: First: Narrations which imply permissibility of anal intercourse. Second: Narration
Is it permissible for men to listen to a woman’s singing?
17209 2013/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawAs you have rightly mentioned, men are different from women in a lot of ways. For this reason, different rules have been legislated for each group. When it comes to a woman reciting eulogies and narra
What is the philosophy behind ziarah of Imams?
10745 2012/12/01 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe inward tendency and attraction toward someone or something, along with respect and honor, is called ziarah. Since the reality of a human is his soul which is never annihilated, a za er [ pilgrim ]
What is the basis of the disparity in the creation of the creatures? Why is one of them created as a human another as an animal or a plant?
6802 2012/04/12 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe existing system of the world is the most wise and judicious system. It is not only based on knowledge, consciousness and will but is also the most healthy and the best possible system. No better s
Why are shrimps halal and crabs haram? What makes one of them halal and the other halal despite the fact that both of them are from the same category?
108682 2012/03/18 Philosophy of Religion and LawAlthough all Islamic laws are a result of the benefits or disadvantages and harms that back them, and there is a particular reason behind each and every one of them, discovering the exact reason in de
Why would people dig up someone if they are already dead? Isn\'t that haram?
12943 2012/03/14 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe following is the response of the maraji to your inquiry: It is haram to exhume the body of a dead believer. But in some cases, it will be permissible, namely: 1. When the dead body has been buried
Do reasons exist for jurisprudential rulings?
6860 2012/03/11 Philosophy of Religion and LawWe will answer your question through the following points: 1- We must keep in mind that all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and in keeping them away from harm. Th
Why do Muslims slaughter sheep and other animals in their religious gatherings?
17901 2012/03/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawMan is the loftiest of creatures and God has created everything else in the world, including animals, for him so that he can benefit from them ( use their meat, a means of transportation, etc. ) . Sla
Why does Allah hate divorce so much?
15193 2012/02/15 Philosophy of Religion and LawConsidering the antithesis between divorce and marriage, in order to learn of the reason why Allah hates divorce so much, we must first see why marriage bears so much significance in His eyes. [ 1 ] I
Why do we have to wear Iḥrām during Hajj?
7418 2012/02/14 Philosophy of Religion and LawHajj is [ a pilgrimage ] filled with mysteries and signs that provoke man into deep thought and guide him [ back ] towards his fitrah ( his inner essence and nature ) . Therefore it is appropriate tha
Why is the dog a najis animal in Islam?
27541 2012/01/19 Philosophy of Religion and LawOne of the fundamental teachings of Islam is that all legal rulings are based on the real benefits and harms behind them. If there were no benefits or harms, there would be no commands nor prohibition
Why do prayers have to be performed in five specific times?
8186 2012/01/19 Philosophy of Religion and LawAlthough all Islamic laws are a result of the benefits or disadvantages and harms that back them, and they all have a particular reason behind each and every one of them, discovering the exact reason
What are the secrets and philosophy of prayer in Shiism?
7553 2012/01/15 Philosophy of Religion and LawWithout doubt every divine ruling has its philosophy and reason ( s ) , but we do not have to investigate every ruling and find its philosophy. A true Muslim must surrender before the message of revel
What is the philosophy of Islamic modest dress? Why are only women bound in Islam to observe modest dress?
10017 2011/12/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawMen and women are equal in many aspects such as creation from a single essence and enjoying rights to education, freedom, speech, expression, etc.We should also note that men and women are different i
Why is it forbidden for men and women to use utensils and dishes made of gold?
7755 2011/12/07 Philosophy of Religion and LawThere are secrets and hidden wisdom in the Islamic laws even though we may not be able to discover them. Generally speaking, no law has been enacted without a reason or logic. God, the Wise and All-Kn
Why is it forbidden for men to use gold?
16562 2011/12/07 Philosophy of Religion and LawThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why did God order the construction of the Ka'bah?
8018 2011/07/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawBased on Quranic verses, traditions and historical documents, Ka bah and Mecca are symbols of divine blessings, human guidance and a place of congregation for servitude to God who bestowed profuse ble
Is Taqlid not in clear contradiction with the Quranic verse "There is no compulsion in the Religion"? Why does Ali (a.s) denounce differences in the fatwas?
8205 2011/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawMost people are individuals who do not have the ability to learn and engage in research and scientific work to reach a level where they may infer and deduce Islamic laws from the sources ( the Quran a
If a Muslim individual converts to Christianity after conducting comprehensive research, will he be considered an apostate and sentenced to death?
9947 2011/01/16 Philosophy of Religion and LawAlthough the religion of Islam calls upon all mankind to accept divine unity, it does not coerce them into accepting it because faith and belief cannot be based on force and compulsion. Indeed, this d
Why is it permissible in Islam to marry female captives?
7767 2011/01/02 Philosophy of Religion and LawGiven that we have already dealt with the political and social aspects of slaveholding in our previous answers, here we will study two more issues concerning the subject matter: 1. The reason and phil
Does Islam allow marriage with female captives and the practice of coitus interruptus (withdrawal) with them?
20218 2010/09/12 Philosophy of Religion and LawUndeniably, marriages between kafir ( disbelieving ) women that were captured in wars and their captors were based on realities that existed in society during the time of the Holy Prophet ( pbuh ) . T
How is the instability of some rulings in Islam not in conflict with the permanence of Islamic law?
7574 2010/07/22 Philosophy of Religion and LawHoly religions are comprised of two parts, the rules that have an eternal nature and those that change. The rules that are permanent relate to the stable aspects of humans life.But these religions hav
Why can married men contract temporary marriages without the consent of their spouses?
9619 2010/03/13 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe sexual instinct is one of the most powerful instincts that resides in human beings, and much like other basic needs, it must be fulfilled in the correct method and manner. These basic instincts ca
Aren't the differences of fatwa amongst the maraje' an instance of those differences forbidden in sermon 18 of the Nahjul Balaghah?
8098 2009/11/25 Philosophy of Religion and LawSome researchers believe that sermon 18 of Nahjul-Blaqah used to be part of sermon 17 and was separated by Seyyid Radhiyy and became an independent one. The contents of the sermon also signify this cl
Why is capital punishment used upon someone who becomes an apostate (murtad), and how is this sentence in accordance with the essence of religious teachings?
12254 2009/11/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe reason behind this ruling is that the announcement of apostasy was not a result of matters within the bounds of personal freedom or logical conclusions. Rather, apostasy was often utilized as a si
Why do we have to perform prayers in Arabic?
9436 2009/09/23 Islamic PhilosophyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the status of the woman in Islam? Are they the same as men?
8425 2009/08/15 Philosophy of Religion and LawAccording to Islam, the man and woman have to be in pursuit of a common objective, which is to reach the pinnacle of humanity, and both must bear the means of accomplishing such an objective without a
Can a Sunni girl get married to a Shia man and why? Please list the reasons.
103543 2009/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe popular viewpoint amongst Shia scholars and jurisprudents is that a Shia man can get married to a Sunni woman, but there is a difference of opinion regarding the marriage of a Sunni man with a Shi
Why do dhuhr and asr prayers have to be recited silently, while the same doesn’t go with other prayers?
24834 2009/03/09 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe main reason why we pray these two prayers in a low voice is that it is the tradition of the prophet ( pbuh ) and that he used to pray this way and has ordered us to pray exactly like him. Of cours
Why is polygamy permissible for men in Islam, yet impermissible for women?
11666 2008/09/18 Philosophy of Religion and LawBefore Islam, polygamy was considered normal and lacked any rules or limitations. As one of man’s essential needs, Islam has limited it, giving it specific conditions and terms. Islamic laws are all b
Why do we have to follow only one marja’ and how is this matter proven through hadiths?
15391 2008/07/29 Philosophy of Religion and LawIf you are sure that each of several marja’s are experts and more learned than others in a specific field, or at least equal in knowledge and understanding, then it is okay to follow more than one mar
Why does the verdict of a marja become invalid after his death?
7883 2007/04/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawIt must be known that ijtihad has different elements: some are firm ( ex. Quran, prophetic traditions, intellect… ) and others are changeable ( ex. Subjects and their conditions, knowledge and the und