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The maraje’ consider the permission of the father or paternal grandfather [in the case of her not having a father] of a virgin girl necessary for her marriage [1] . [2] The baligh virgin girl who can distinguish between what is to her benefit and what isn't, must get her father’s or paternal grandfather’s (in the case of not having a father) permission if she wants to get married. In the case of her father or paternal grandfather not being present in a way that she can't get their permission, and her having the need of getting married, their permission will no longer be a condition. The same goes for the woman who isn't a virgin; she doesn’t need to get permission either, if her virginity was lost to a previous husband. In the case of her virginity being lost by a mistaken intercourse, or even adultery, it is a mustahabb precaution to get permission if possible (which means it is better, although it still isn't a condition and isn't wajib) [3] . [4]
Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani’s Response (may Allah prolong his life) to this inquiry:
In marriage (both temporary and permanent) with a discerning virgin girl, the father’s consent isn't a condition, although it is in accordance with precaution.
For further information, please refer to the following questions:
1- The father’s permission regarding the marriage of his virgin daughter, Question 4958 (website: 5248) .
2- The reason why the virgin girl must get permission from her father for temporary or permanent marriage, Question 2074 (website: 2125).
3- What are the conditions for permission of a virgin girl in temporary marriage? Question 15397 (website: 15118).
4- The father’s permission in marriage, Question 6310 (website: 6473).