Questions Archive(Thematic Category:نماز جماعت)
Salamun alaikum, we see that in some mosques, there is a niche which is dug deeper the mosque to such extent that the prayer leader walks a few steps down to get into it. What is the reason?
6112 2015/06/09 گوناگونOne of the conditions of congregational prayer is that the place where a prayer leader stands should not be higher than the place of the follower unless the height is negligible. [ 1 ] That is why in
Is it permissible to follow a Sunni prayer leader in a congregational prayer?
6334 2015/04/14 گوناگونThere is no problem in attending Sunni congregational prayers; it is permissible and there are some reports according to which one who stands in the first row of their congregational prayers is like o
Can a person who has committed a great (major) sin become a prayer leader after repentance?
7572 2012/09/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAs for a major sin for which the perpetrator is punished e.g. adultery, the execution of punishment itself is a requirement in the sense that if the penalty has been exercised and carried out on such