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What is the rule of using mouth-washers which usually contain some alcohol?
What is the rule of using mouth-washers which usually contain some alcohol?
Concise answer
The alcohol which is not determined whether or not it is originally an intoxicant[1] or not, is spiritually clean and selling, buying and using the liquids that are mixed with them dose not have problem.[2]
[1] There are two conditions for alcohol to be spiritually unclean: 1- Being liquid. 2- Being an intoxicant. Therefore, if it is a kind of alcohol which originally is not liquid, in spite of being an intoxicant, it is spiritually clean, although it is not eatable, because it is intoxicant and its eating is forbidden.
[2] Tawdīh al-Masā’il Marāja‘, v.1, p.145; Istiftā’āt by Ayatollah Khamene’i, q. 302,304,305,306,307(Published by Jameh Mudarrasin).
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