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Before engaging in answering your question, a few considerations need to be made:
Since Islamic hadiths (both in Shia and Sunni sources) are a mixture of authentic and unauthentic ones and many hadiths have been forged, these hadiths need seriously be analyzed and ‘refined’ (you can refer to Question 3187 of this website in this regard), just because a certain subject has been mentioned in a hadith book doesn’t mean that it can be relied on.
Keeping this in mind and overlooking whether or not the hadith is authentic or not, it must be said that it can actually be found in Shia sources.
In his book of Al-Gheybah, Nu’mani narrates through his own narration from imam Sadiq (as) that the imam (as) said: “The loud cry is for sure [will definitely take place at the end of time] and the Sufyani is for sure and the Yamani is for sure and the killing of the Nafs Zakiyyah is for sure and the palm of the hand that will come out of the sky is for sure.”[1]
As for whether what you claimed is what this hadith is exactly speaking of or not, there is no way to really tell, we have no reasons to neither accept such a claim nor any reasoning to reject it.
We ask Allah (swt) to hasten the appearance of Imam Zaman (as) to save the people from tyranny and oppression.
One thing that should also be kept in mind is that not all phrases are used for their and are instead figurative. Phrases like “The eye of Allah” and “The hand of Allah” can't mean their literal meanings, because (as has been discussed and maintained in Islamic theology and philosophy) Allah (swt) is not material in any way.
[1] Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Nu’mani, Gheybah, pg. 252; Allamah Mahlisi, Biharul-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 233, chapter 25, hadith 98.