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Last Updated: 2011/09/12
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Why don't Shiite scholars and intellectuals embark on reciprocating Wahabi assaults on Shia and why do they abstain from explaining the principles of their religion?
Recently, the Wahabis have launched a satellite TV channel in Farsi called Noor. This network is broadcasting its programs claiming to be fighting superstitions and distortions and introducing the true Islam. Meanwhile, it is leaving no stone unturned to attack Shiite beliefs. The question I would like to ask is: Why do scholars and intellectuals not embark on reciprocating Wahabi assaults on Shia and why do they abstain from explaining the principles of their faith?
Concise answer

No Muslim intellectual entertains any doubt about the importance of unity in Islamic society because discord and disunity lead to disintegration of the very basis of the religion of Islam. Unity means strengthening and stressing on the commonalities among various sects and religions, meanwhile preserving the respect of the principles and fundamentals of every religion and sect.

Wahabism is a set of radical beliefs which was first created by Ibn Taymiyah and then propagated by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab through extensive misinterpretation and misuse of Qur'anic verses and prophetic traditions. Unfortunately, they have, with their extensive propagation, succeeded in their attempts to attract some Muslims and lead them away from the right path. However, we should note that:

A) To explain the intellectual foundations of the religions that have nothing to do with Islam is not opposed to the efforts made for the Islamic unity.

B) Given that Wahabism is a new sect and that because of its radical approaches and extremist behaviors it is causing degradation of Islam in the world and it is in no way compatible with our religious foundations, therefore studying and criticizing its thoughts would be in line with strengthening the Islamic unity.

As for why Shia is abstaining from explaining its religious principles under the pretext of unity and proximity among religions, the answer is that Shiite principles are explained and propagated to some extent by Iranian TV and radio. Thanks are due to Allah, there are different TV and radio channels especially Radio Ma'aref that are somehow busy discussing and spreading Shia beliefs. These TV and radio networks are based in Iran and Lebanon. In addition, ever since the emergence of Wahabism our responsible and committed scholars have been confronting Wahabi thoughts by writing books and articles and conducting debates.

Also, there are many active Shia websites that are preaching and propagating Shia beliefs and confronting Wahabi assaults.  Our institute is one of those centers which aim to explain Shia religious concepts and doctrines.

Detailed Answer

Before discussing the main subject answering the question in full detail, it is necessary to make mention of a few points:

1. No Muslim intellectual entertains any doubt about the importance of unity in Islamic society because discord and disunity lead to disintegration of the very basis of the religion. (For further information in this regard, see "Islamic Unity" No. 4917 on our website.)

2. Unity does not mean uniformity or sameness; it means strengthening and stressing on the commonalities among various sects and religions, meanwhile preserving the respect of the principles and fundamentals of every religion and sect.

Perhaps, some may assume that raising inter-religious issues and discussing the ideological principles of any religions or sects would cause disunity and divergence among the Islamic sects and denominations and such an approach is not consistent with the efforts made to unite not only the Islamic sects but all the Abrahamic religions. The answer is that: Human beings should avoid going to extremes in all personal, social, economic and ideological matters; they should adopt a moderate approach in every aspect of their lives. When it comes to religious issues, a moderate approach is a must. That is to say, we should neither be so much strict as to attach no importance to the unity and solidarity of Muslims nor should we be so open as to ignore all the principles and sub-principles of our faith in the name of Islamic unity. In fact, preserving unity means to avoid all provocative measures by maintaining mutual respect and observing moral rules in our comments and expressions concerning other religions. Defending and explaining the beliefs of one's religion are not in any way inconsistent with Islamic unity because in nine out of ten cases the discussions and the answers are aimed at removing the doubts and dealing with the accusations put forth by some people and which, if not dealt with, will give rise to another accusation in the name of "lacking an answer". [1]

3. Wahabism is not an Islamic jurisprudential and theological sect. It is a set of radical beliefs which was first created by Ibn Taymiyah and then propagated by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab through extensive misinterpretation and misuse of Qur'anic verses and prophetic traditions. Unfortunately, they have, with their extensive propagation, succeeded in their attempts to attract a great many Muslims and lead them away from the right path. Ever since this fundamentalist group has been established, Muslims from Shia and Sunni religions have criticized it and it is interesting to know that the first person to criticize Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab's thought was his brother Sulayman bin Abdul Wahhab who wrote a book entitled "Al-Sawa'eq al-Elahiyah Alaa Za'im al-Wahabiyah". [2]

Considering the above points, we come to the conclusion that:

A) To explain the intellectual foundations of the religions that have nothing to do with Islam is not opposed to the efforts made for the Islamic unity.

B) Given that Wahabism is a new sect and that because of its radical approaches and extremist behaviors it is damaging the reputation of Islam and is responsible for its degradation in the world and it is in no way compatible with our religious foundations, therefore studying and criticizing its thoughts would be in line with strengthening the Islamic unity.

As for the question why Shia is abstaining from explaining its religious principles in the name of unity and proximity among religions, the answer is that:

Firstly, given the foregoing explanations, it has been made clear that if there is any shortcoming in this regard, it is not because of the reasons mentioned in the question.

Secondly, you are well aware that the people who are running these TV channels are those who have huge oil wealth and are also backed by the world arrogant powers and their followers.

Thirdly, although there is not an independent TV network to propagate Shi teachings, thanks are due to Allah, there are different TV and radio channels especially Radio Ma'aref that are somehow busy discussing and spreading Shia beliefs. These TV and radio networks are based in Iran and Lebanon. In addition, ever since the emergence of Wahabism our responsible and committed scholars have been confronting Wahabi thoughts by writing books and articles and conducting debates.

Let's hope that a TV channel to promote the goals of Shiite Islam is launched in the near future.

[1] - Rezapoor, Abdul Rahim, Reviewing Sayyid Qutb and Rashid Reza's Opinions in "Fi Zelal al-Qur'an" and "Al-Manar" about Shia. (M.A. Thesis in Islamic Denominations), University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, 2009.

[2] - Vide answers provided in this regard on the website. See: Index:  "Wahabi Beliefs" No. 16559 (16320) ; Index: "The Origin and Views of Wahabism" No.1547 and index: "Beliefs of Wahabism" No.978.

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